
madCAM has only one installation file for all different versions of the software. It will run in Demo mode for 30 days in versions: 5Xtra, 5X, 4X or 3X. You can buy a license key if you would like to continue to use madCAM beyond the evaluation period. The key you use to unlock the software determines the status Temporary, Permanent 5Xtra, Permanent 5X, etc.

*Important* madCAM is a plugin for Rhino3D. It requires Rhinoceros to run. If you haven't got Rhino, you can download the evaluation version of Rhino from here.

All madCAM downloads

madCAM for Rhino 8 version: madCAM 8.0, Release date: 2025-03-23 English, 64-bit Windows
madCAM for Rhino 7 version: madCAM 7.0, Release date: 2024-07-02 English, 64-bit Windows
Looking for earlier versions of madCAM ? Click Here


madCAM 8 SR 2 2025-03-23 (23-March-2025)

New Features:

  • Trochoidal Roughing: New Trochoidal roughing on open slots. It now works for both closed pockets and open slots. (3Xtra, 4Xtra, 5X and 5Xtra)

Bug Fixes:

  • 2D Profiling bug-fix: Curve direction and curve side. The curve direction on open curves was changed in some cases for climb or coventional cut. This is fixed now. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • Dark mode: madCAM will now automatically switch to dark mode when Rhino is in dark mode. This means that all madCAM toolbars and dialogs will appear in dark mode to match Rhino's theme. (3X, 3Xtra, 4X, 4Xtra, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • 2D Profiling: With skin cuts on multiple curves, the final skin cut is applied only after all profiling levels are completed. This ensures parts are not cut loose until all curves are fully machined. (3X, 3Xtra, 4X, 4Xtra, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Post Processor: New output from current C-plane option. Toolpaths will be transformed to the current Rhino C-plane. (3X, 3Xtra, 4X, 4Xtra, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 8 SR 1 2024-07-02 (2-July-2024)

New Features:

  • Trochoidal Roughing: New Trochoidal roughing strategy. (3Xtra, 4Xtra, 5X and 5Xtra)

Bug Fixes:

  • 2D Profiling bug-fix: Bug-fix and some changes that improves the profiling toolpath. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • Postprocessor: New "Maximum Vertex Distance" option in the post processor for making it possible to increase the number of control points in case of not having a controller that handles inverse time feed or RTCP. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 15 2024-07-02 (2-July-2024)

Bug Fixes:

  • 2D Profiling bug-fix: Bug-fix and some changes that improves the profiling toolpath. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • Postprocessor: New "Maximum Vertex Distance" option in the post processor for making it possible to increase the number of control points in case of not having a controller that handles inverse time feed or RTCP. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Click here to show older posts...
2024-01-22 (January 22 2024)

madCAM 8.0 Shipping:

madCAM 7 SR 14 2024-01-22 (22-January-2024)

Bug Fixes:

  • Toolpath Recalculate bug-fix: Toolpath layernames didn't change if recalculating with a new cutter. This is fixed now. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 13 2023-10-02 (2-October-2023)

Bug Fixes:

  • 2D Profiling bug-fix: Gough checking on multiple outer curves didn't work correctly in some cases. This is fixed now. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Post processor bug-fix: Missing initial output of the 4th axis after tool change in some cases due to angle filter tolerance. This is fixed. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 12 2023-06-05 (5-June-2023)

Bug Fixes:

  • Scripting bug-fix: It didn't work correctly in some cases when scripting radius or ramp lead-ins. This is fixed now. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • Custom DLL. New option in custom dll's for handling overtravels when the spindle is close to the box edge. (5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 11 2023-04-21 (21-April-2023)

New Features:

  • Support for up to 6-axis. It is now possible to control 6-axis simultaneously. (5Xtra)

Bug Fixes:

  • Rapids traverse height bug fix. The rapid traverse height was too high in some cases on 5-axis profiling toolpaths. This is fixed now. (5Xtra)
  • 2D Profiling bug fix. Multi offsets on multi curves without island curves did not work. This is fixed now. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • Sub post processors. It is now possible to use one main post processor and several sub post processors. Sub post processors can be connected to each cutter tool and activated on each tool change. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 10 2022-03-17 (17-March-2022)

Bug Fixes:

  • Post processor bug fix. It was a problem when having characters in front of line numbers in the output file. This is fixed now. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 9 2022-03-15 (15-March-2022)

Bug Fixes:

  • Corner cutter bug fix. Toolpaths from corner end cutters wasn't calculated correctly on some mesh models. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 23 2023-03-15 (15-March-2022)

Bug Fixes:

  • Corner cutter bug fix. Toolpaths from corner end cutters wasn't calculated correctly on some mesh models. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 8 2022-03-14 (14-March-2022)

Bug Fixes:

  • Ramp lead-in bug fix. It did not work well in some cases when using ramp lead-in on 5-axis profiling toolpaths. This is fixed now. (5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • New post processor option for multiline output in motion sections. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • New extra post processor drill tool change section. This can be used for drill boxes. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • New processor option for user defined planes. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 7 2021-11-26 (26-November-2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • Recalculate bug fix. It did not work to recalculate toolpaths created with or from extrusion object edge curves. This is fixed now. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Cutter folder bug fix. Now it works to save cutters in any folder outside the default madCAM folder. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Axis of revolution. The cylinder region was automatically changed to enclose the model when recalculating. Now it remains as it was from the last settings. (4X and 5X)

madCAM 7 SR 6 2021-09-16 (16-September-2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • Tapered cutters bug fix. Toolpaths from tapered cutters wasn't calculated correctly in some cases. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • New dropdown list in the post processor dialog for selecting and editing post processor custom variables. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 22 2021-09-16 (16-September-2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • Tapered cutters bug fix. Toolpaths from tapered cutters wasn't calculated correctly in some cases. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 5 2021-03-08 (8-March-2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • Simulator bug fix. The simulation of the last tool path curves wasn't completed in some cases. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Simulator bug fix. Tapered cutters didn't show material removal correctly in some cases. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 21 2021-03-08 (8-March-2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • Simulator bug fix. The simulation of the last tool path curves wasn't completed in some cases. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Simulator bug fix. Tapered cutters didn't show material removal correctly in some cases. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 4 2021-02-22 (22-February-2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • 2D profiling with multiple side offsets on closed curves did not work as it should in some cases. This is fixed now. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Roughing toolpaths did not work well in some cases if selecting a region curve that was outside of the madCAM box. A new function that automatically enlarges the madCAM box is now fixing that problem. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Bug fix for 2D Profiling with ramp approach. The lead-in on open curves was missing if using ramp approach. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 20 2021-02-22 (22-February-2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • Roughing toolpaths didn't work well in some cases if selecting a region curve that was outside of the madCAM box. A new function that automatically enlarges the madCAM box is now fixing that problem. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Bug fix for 2D Profiling with ramp approach. The lead-in on open curves was missing if using ramp approach. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 3 and madCAM 6 SR 19 2021-02-02 (2-February-2021)

Urgent Bug Fix:

  • One of the fixes in the previous service release caused an error for radius lead-ins in some cases. This is fixed now.. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 2 and madCAM 6 SR 18 2021-01-31 (31-January-2021)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Bad quality of region curves together with too fine tolerance set for toolpath calculation could cause problems in some cases. This is fixed. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • If recalculating a toolpath and change cutter tool, settings was set back to the default settings that was saved with the new cutter tool. This is fixed. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 7 SR 1 and madCAM 6 SR 17 2020-12-16 (16-December-2020)

New Features:

  • New post processor section for registered custom variables. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Line numbers was missing in the post processor output file. This is fixed. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Parallel roughing was crashing in some cases. This is fixed now. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • 2D Profiling with negative stock to leave didn't work. This is fixed. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

2020-12-06 (December 6 2020)

madCAM 7.0 Shipping:

madCAM 6 SR 16 2020-12-05 (5-December-2020)

New Features:

  • New post processor option for using madCAM system variables as parameters for custom variables. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • 2D Profiling now also use gouge checking against boundary curves without island curves. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Restore the cutter tool that was used before post processing. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Stock to leave now works as it should with 2D profiling and 2D Pocketting. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Layer names are now automatically changed also for 2D Profiling when recalculating and changing the cutter tool. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Skin cut and break through now works as it should for 2D Pocketting and 2D Profiling. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 15 2020-03-30 (30-March-2020)

New Features:

  • New option for listing cutter tools in alphabetic order or by diameter. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New post processor option for translating indexed 5-axis toolpaths to 3-axis toolpaths in each toolpath Cplane. (5X)
  • The Rhino Cplane is now updated when recalculating indexed toolpaths. (4X and 5X)

Enhanced Features:

  • Simultaneous 5-axis part trimming and scribing. (5Xtra)
  • Pocketing with tapered cutters. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • 2D Profiling on open curves with the pitch ramping option. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Post processor bug fix for backward compatibility with older post processors for simultaneous 5-axis. (5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 14 2020-02-25 (25-February-2020)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Post processor bug fix. An error occurred in some cases when post processing. This is fixed now. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 13 2020-02-24 (24-February-2020)

Enhanced Features:

  • Further more improvements of the toolpath linking strategy when creating Z-level finishing toolpaths. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Bug fix for the total pivot distance when using the post processor transform command with cutter tool length. (5X and 5Xtra)
  • Bug fix for the parallel to X or Y roughing toolpath. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Bug fix for the optimized toolpath linking option when using Z-level finishing. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 12 2020-02-17 (17-February-2020)

Enhanced Features:

  • New Post processor operation list feature for the output file. Can be used for creating multiple lists for tool data, operation sequences and more. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Bug fix for the machining time calculation when used with transformed output coordinates. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 11 2020-02-11 (11-February-2020)

Enhanced Features:

  • Support for up to 64 toolpath calculation threads on multi core cpu. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New optimized toolpath linking algorithm with multicore support for faster toolpath calculations. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Post processor bug fix when using sub post processors. (5Xtra)
  • Bug fix for Inverse Time Feed. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Machining time calculation bug fix. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 10 2020-01-29 (29-January-2020)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Bug fix for backward compatibility with older post processors. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 9 2020-01-28 (28-January-2020)

Bugs Fixes:

  • 3-axis Cut Simulator bug fix.
  • Toolpath Between Curves with tapered cutter bug fix. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 8 2020-01-27 (27-January-2020)

Enhanced Features:

  • New option included with every toolpath dialog for selecting or changing cutter tool. This makes it possible to change tool for existing toolpaths when using the recalculate function. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Ball-end, flat-end, corner-end and taper-end cutters are listed separately when clicking on the tabs for choosing type of cutter. The cutters are listed in order of the diameter. (Largest cutters at top) (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New option for the Between Curves function it is now possible to choose parallel or across curves. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New option for gouge checking when using 5-axis profiling. Gouge checking can be "All curves", "Curve by curve" or "Off". The default is all curves. (5Xtra)
  • New option for postprocessor output from Cplane origin. This makes it possible to set the zero point for the output by placing a Cplane. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Two new variables for the post processor. "cutter_tool_list" and "machining_time". It is possible to get all cutters that are used and the total machining time listed in the output file. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Post processor support for inverse time feed (G93). (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Clipping plane error when using flat cutters or corner end cutters. This was a problem especially when using flat drive surfaces. (5Xtra)
  • Five axis part trimming with line vectors. The function is changed so the lines has to have the same direction (start point close to curve). It works better this way. Especially when having several profile curves with a small distance between. (5Xtra)
  • File name checker so it prevent users from typing cutter names that can't be saved to file. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 7 2019-08-08 (8-August-2019)

Enhanced Features:

  • New option for creating user defined post processor variables that belongs to each cutter tool. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • The 5-axis part trimming function didn't work well in some cases for inch-models. This is fixed now. (5Xtra)
  • The user defined post processor custom variables did not save after ediding. This is fixed now. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 5 SR 18 2019-08-08 (8-August-2019)

Enhanced Features:

  • Faster 5-axis material removal cut simulator. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • The 5-axis part trimming function didn't work well in some cases for inch-models. This is fixed now. (5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 6 2019-06-05 (5-June-2019)

Enhanced Features:

  • Further optimization of the 5-axis material removal simulator. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Multicore support for faster simulation. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Default cylinder shape of the stock model if working with 4-axis or a 5-axis rotary-head machine. (5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Post processor custom variables bug fix. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Post processor radius compensation output for controller. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 5 2019-05-14 (14-May-2019)

Enhanced Features:

  • New 3-axis and 5-axis material removal cut simulator. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Tool holder collision check in cut simulator. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New option for saving 5-axis pivot distance and head-offset angles with cutter tools. (5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Profiling select curve side bug fix. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 5 SR 17 2019-05-14 (14-May-2019)

Enhanced Features:

  • New 3-axis and 5-axis material removal cut simulator. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 4 2018-07-02 (2-July-2018)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Installer bug fix. madCAM did not install in some cases. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 3 2018-06-28 (28-June-2018)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Lost machine folder bug fix. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 2 2018-06-24 (24-June-2018)

Bugs Fixes:

  • 5-axis part trimming vector problem in some cases on open curves. (5Xtra)
  • Notification of a new release even if the latest release was installed.

madCAM 5 SR 17 2018-06-24 (24-June-2018)

Bugs Fixes:

  • 5-axis part trimming vector problem in some cases on open curves. (5Xtra)

madCAM 6 SR 1 2018-06-20 (20-June-2018)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Installer lost machine folder bug fix. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 2D Profiling pitch option. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 5-axis profiling ramp lead-in when using on curve option. (5Xtra)
  • Post processor G41 G42 reset. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Lead-in curve side bug fix for profiling when using on-curve option. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 5-axis angle limits saved with toolpath. (5Xtra)
  • 5-axis part trimming function when using scribing. (5Xtra)

madCAM 5 SR 16 2018-06-20 (20-June-2018)

Bugs Fixes:

  • 5-axis profiling ramp lead-in when using on curve option. (5Xtra)
  • Post processor G41 G42 reset. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Lead-in curve side bug fix for profiling when using on-curve option. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 5-axis angle limits saved with toolpath. (5Xtra)
  • 5-axis part trimming function when using scribing. (5Xtra)

madCAM 5 SR 15 2018-03-07 (7-March-2018)

Enhanced Features:

  • New octree material removal simulator that generates a polygon mesh. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New post processor variable for clockwise and counter clockwise spindle rotation. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Arc lead-in and curve side bug fix for profiling when using on curve option.
  • Post processor bug fix for radius compensation output (G43, G42). (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

2018-03-06 (March 6 2018)

madCAM 6.0 Shipping:

madCAM prerelease_6 2017-10-31 (31-October-2017)

Please be aware that this is an early release of the next service release, so everything is not complete. The help file is not updated and the material removal simulator does not work as well as it will work in the final service release. If you will have trouble with the material removal simulator, just unckeck the "Draw Stock Model" option from the simulator options dialog.

We had to make this prerelease as an urgent fix becuase of the problem caused by the Windows 10 update.

October 31 2017

  • 5-axis custom dll: New option for changing angle limits of the 4th and 5th axis. This can be set from madCAM options / machine.
  • Recalculate bug fix: When reculculating indexed toolpaths, the indexed direction didn't update in some cases.

October 19 2017

  • 2D Profiling: New 2D option to output cutter radius compensation for the controller.
  • 2D Profiling bug fix: Multiple side offsets didn't work well on some curves.
  • Along Curves bug fix: Multiple Z cuts didn't work. This is fixed now.
  • 3D Z-level bug fix: Toolpath linking problem is fixed.
  • Indexed 5-axis bug fix: Selecting stock material in 4-axis and 5-axis indexed mode didn't work well in some cases.

September 12 2017

  • 2D Profiling: New 2D option to choose if rapids should go above the top of the madCAM box or above the Material Top level set from the profiling dialog.
  • 2D Profiling: New 2D option to choose if curves should be converted to arcs and lines or converted to polylines for the output code.
  • 2D Profiling bug fix: Open curves with a gap less than the madCAM tolerance will now be treated as closed curves.
  • 2D Profiling bug fix: Creating arc lead-ins with a radius larger than half of the cutter diameter didn't work. This is fixed now.

August 18 2017

  • 2D Profiling bug fix: The safe clearance was not correct in some cases if using ball cutters or corner radius cutters. This is fixed now.
  • 2D Profiling bug fix: Converting nurbs to arcs didn't work correctly in some cases. This is fixed now.

July 24 2017

  • 2D Profiling: New nurbs-curve offset algorithm and several bug fixes for the 2D profiling.
  • 5-axis Trimming: It is now possible to script the 5-axis part trimming function.
  • 5-axis Drive Surface: It is now possible to script the selection and settings for any 5-axis drive surface.
  • Drill: The depth was changed when changing the number of steps. Now the depth will remain and only the stepdown will change.

May 10 2017

  • Windows 10 64-bit: Crashing on latest upgrade of Win10. This fixed now.

March 23 2017

  • Post Processor: Bug fix for drilling when setting number of step downs.
  • Post Processor: New option for using variables in the sections for line and arc motion.

January 19 2017

  • Post Processor: Bug fix for crashing when post processing before simulating.
  • Post Processor: Bug fix for arcs in indexed mode.

January 15 2017

  • Drilling: New option in the drill dialog for setting number of step downs.
  • Post Processor: New extra drill variable for number of step downs. The variable is declared as \"drill_nsteps\" in the post processor.
  • Post Processor: Bug fix for line numbers output when exceeding the maximum block numbers.
  • 2D Profiling: Several bug-fixes and improvements.
  • Clipping Planes: It is now possible to change the clipping planes and they will remain in the same position even when recalculating toolpaths.

December 8 2016

  • Post Processor: Support for arcs and helix curves in the post processor. If using arc lead-ins or pitch, the curves will still be kept as arcs, but with ramp, which can be post processed as helix curves.
  • 2D Profiling: Several bug-fixes. Side offset with pitch, gouge checking for lead-ins, rapid traverses and many more things.

November 25 2016

  • Post Processor: One more bug fix for abnormally large values of the C-axis output.

November 24 2016

  • Post Processor: Bug fix for abnormally large values of the C-axis output in some cases.
  • Post Processor: The Z-scaling is now also working for custom drill cycles.

November 3 2016

  • Post Processor: Automatic detection if the post processor supports arc output. If not, the output will be polylines.

October 21 2016

  • Post Processor: Bug fix for missed Toolpath layers. The user is now warned if the cutter tool doesn\'t exist in the current tool library.

August 29 2016

  • Post Processor: New dialog for setting offsets if the spindle is off center compared to each rotary axis. This will only work if using a custom dll.

July 13 2016

  • 2D Profiling: New Pitch option for ramping. The ramp depth will be equal to stepdow.
  • 2D Profiling: New offset and stepover option for cutting sideways. (The pitch option works for this as well)
  • 2D Profiling: The direction Climb or Conventional and the curve side options are back in the dialog. The directions are automatically set when picking curves, but can be changed afterwards from the dialog.
  • 2D Profiling: All settings are now scriptable including inside or outside on closed curves.
  • Post Processor: Tool change will now take action on either a new tool name or a new tool number.
  • Post Processor: New *DRILL* section in the post processor. This can be used for custom drill cycles or for woodworking machines with a \"drill box\".

June 17 2016

  • Cut simulator: New material removal simulator that works for 3,4 and simultaneous 5-axis with support for user defined stock models.
  • Cut simulator: Advanced settings for resolution option in the simulator.
  • Toolpath methods: All settings from each dialog are automatically \"remembered\" and stored together with each cutter.
  • Drive Surface: New dialog for setting temporary 5-axis machine angle limits.
  • 2D Profiling: New faster and more accurate 2D Profiling that generate toolpaths as nurbs. This makes it possible to convert toolpaths to arcs and lines with high accuracy.
  • 2D Profiling: The safe clearance for 2D Profiling is always relative to the \"material top\" level that is set from the dialog. (Not the box top)
  • Drive Surface: New drive surface Tool Orientation Normal to Surface option. Two angles to set for tilting the tool along or across the drive surface.
  • Post Processor: New dialog for setting temporary 5-axis machine angle limits.
  • Post Processor: New post processor option for absolute or incremental output.
  • Post Processor: New options in the post processor for arc output.(see example post processor below)

madCAM SR 14 2015-04-17 (17-April-2015)

Enhanced Features:

  • The cutter preview is now controlled by the render mode in Rhino. Wireframe or shaded view. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • If a drive surface is missing when using the recalculate function, the user will be prompted to select a new drive surface. (5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Network Client / Sever license. (64-bit version)
  • The 2D Profiling didn\'t work well in some cases on non uniform curves. This has been fixed now. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Post processor reset problems on some parameters when switching between post processors. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Drive surface pick direction in 4 view window state. (5Xtra)
  • 2D Pocketing on small pockets. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Drive surface rebuild function. (5Xtra)

madCAM SR 13 2015-02-26 (26-February-2015)

Bugs Fixes:

  • The drilling didn't work after recalculating a toolpath.
  • The Rhino mesh tolerance was changed even if it was set finer than the madCAM tolerance. Now it will only be change if set rougher than the madCAM tolerance or if set to \"Jagged and faster\".
  • Automatic material top by double click in edit box didn't work for the profiling toolpath.
  • Along curves with multipple cuts. The first toolpath on the curve is now removed if using a negative \"Raise Z\".

madCAM SR 12 2015-02-20 (20-February-2015)

Bugs Fixes:

  • We made some improvements of the 2D Profiling function in previous release. Unfortunately we made a mistake that caused some problems with indexed 4-axis or 5-axis profiling. It also caused some problems with the recalculate function. This has been fixed now.

madCAM SR 11 2015-02-10 (10-February-2015)

New Features:

  • License validation. Existing users that already have madCAM installed can validate the license whenever they like. The license will not expire on the computer where madCAM currently is installed, but it has to be validated if installed on a new computer.
  • Scripting. It is now possible to script every command in madCAM the same way as any standard Rhino command. It's just to put a (-) minus sign in front of each madCAM command and it will override the dialogs and permit input from script or the Rhino command line. It even works for all 5-axis functions. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Mesh tolerance. New tolerance to set in madCAM options that will be used for the mesh. If the Rhino render mesh is set to "jagged and faster" or if the "maximum distance edge to surface" is set larger than the madCAM tolerance, madCAM will automatically regenerate the mesh according to the madCAM tolerance before it's used for toolpath calculation. In this way, you don\'t have to think about the mesh settings in Rhino. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Drilling. It is now possible to select points and/or circles for drilling. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 5-axis profiling and scribing. New function for creating lines perpendicular to the model along a curve or several curves. It works on a single surface, polysurfaces and/or solids. It also includes some extra control for angle limits of the machine head, unify normals and flip normals. The perpendicular lines are automatically generated and grouped so that they can be selected by one click when used for the 5-axis trimming/scribing function. (5Xtra)
  • AlongCurves. It is possible to set a negative value for "Raise Z for multiple cuts". Then the toolpaths will go down away from the curve. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Start points. New option for selecting one or several start points. madCAM will use the start points for linking the toolpath and having the entry point closests to the closest start point. madCAM will check which start point that is closest and calculate the entry point on each toolpath. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • More optimized toolpath-linking in 4 and 5 axis. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Some improvements of the toolpath filter function. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Improvements of the calculation speed for tapered cutters. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New "MC_ResetToolbar" command that can be used if you have lost the madCAM toolbar.

Bugs Fixes:

  • Crash when clicking on the simulator button when the simulator window is already open.
  • The planar finishing ramp approach did not work as it should in some cases.
  • The 4-axis toolpath-linking did not work well in some cases.
  • Warn the user when trying to use a custom machine dll that does not load.
  • The recalculate function did not work on drilling toolpaths.
  • The ramp-approach for 5-axis profiling and 5-axis trimming/scribing did not work.
  • Problems in some cases when using an untrimmed drive surface with vector angle limits.

madCAM SR 10 2014-06-10 (10-June-2014)

New Features:

  • Postprocessor option to open the output file with an external program. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • It is now possible to save and open report files in rtf format. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • Optimized calculation algorithm for taper cutters. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Planar finishing. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Taper cutters in 4-axis. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Post processor. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM SR 9 2014-05-21 (21-May-2014)

Urgent fix:

  • The post processing in previous release didn't work as it should in some cases.

madCAM SR 8 2014-05-20 (20-May-2014)

New Features:

  • Option for choosing cutter compensation in 2D or 3D when using 2D functions. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • The 4-axis and 5-axis settings are now scriptable. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Scriptable post processing. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 5-axis overtravel function in custom dll for automatic retract, rewind and approach. (5Xtra)
  • New variables in post processor for moving to previous position. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • Optimized ramp approach with smart linking for Z-level finishing. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Surface angle limit control for planar finishing with flat cutters. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Z-level finishing. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM SR 7 2014-03-04 (4-March-2014)

New Features:

  • New 4-axis cylinder-stock region dialog. (4X and 5X)
  • New scriptable load cutter silent command. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Enhanced Features:

  • Parallel roughing. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 4-axis functions. (4X and 5X)
  • 4+1 axis functions. (5X)

Bugs Fixes:

  • 2D Pocketing. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 3D Planar contour finishing. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • madCAM installer.

madCAM SR 6 2013-12-17 (December 17 2013)

Bugs Fixes:

  • 2D Profiling. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 2D Pocketing. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM SR 5 2013-11-25 (November 25 2013)

Urgent fix:

  • Previous release only worked with the latest Rhino service release Canditate. This release also works with the latest Rhino service release.

madCAM SR 4 2013-11-22 (November 22 2013)

New Features:

  • Multi threaded drive surface 3D reshape calculation. (5Xtra)
Bugs Fixes:
  • 2D Profiling. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Select block for toolpath calculation. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Drive surface reshape crash on large files. (5Xtra)
  • Custom machine simulation. (4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Settings and toolbar for local user in network. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM SR 3 2013-10-07 (October 7 2013)

New Features:

  • New feature to make custom variables controlled by toolpath operations. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
Bugs Fixes:
  • Default box top and clipping planes. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Resize Box when using 5-axis profiling. (5Xtra)
  • 2D skin cut = 0. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Clipping planes moved in Rhino. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Recalculate toolpath. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM SR 2 2013-08-27 (August 27 2013)

Bugs Fixes:

  • Simulator crash. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • The simulator step next tool path was very slow in some cases. This is fixed now. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Resize Box when using a 3D stock model. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM SR 1 2013-08-09 (August 9 2013)

New Features:

  • New post process option for generating multiple sub programs. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
Bugs Fixes:
  • The 4-axis toolpaths made with madCAM 4.3 didn\'t work in madCAM 5 in some cases. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Bug fix for drive surface. The rapids became too high in some cases. (5Xtra)
  • Bug fix for filter function. The filter function didn\'t work as it should in some cases. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

2013-06-12 (June 12 2013)

madCAM 5.0 Shipping:

madCAM beta 2013-06-04 (June 4 2013)

New Features:

  • New optional Box Top Clearance setting in postprocessor. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New surface direction toggle options for swarf profiling. (5Xtra)
  • New on curve toggle option for 2D profiling. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • The toolpath recalculate function now also works on transformed toolpaths. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)

Bugs Fixes:
  • Output filter for 2D profiling. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Recalculate toolpath. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 4-axis settings. (4X)
  • Dialog help button. (3X,4X,5X and 5X)

madCAM beta 2013-05-16 (May 16 2013)

New Features:

  • Post processor pivot center output option. (5X and 5Xtra)
Bugs Fixes:
  • Planar finishing one direction climb or conventional. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 3D Roughing stock box resize. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 2D Profiling lead-out. (3X,4X and 5X)
  • 4-axis and 5-axis indexed curve milling. (4X and 5X)
  • Reshape drive surface. (5Xtra)

madCAM beta 2013-05-01 (May 1 2013)

New Features:

  • New plunge approach on open curves option for 3D Facing. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 2D Profiling radius lead can now be used together with ramping. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Improvements of the multithreaded toolpath calculation algorithm. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New Cut-link distance option in the cutter dialog. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • The start from outside option is back in the "From Boundary Curves" dialog. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Improvements of the "axis of revolution" algorithm. (4X and 5X)
  • New 5-axis over travel function that will retract, rewind and approach. (5Xtra)
Bugs Fixes:
  • 2D profiling lead-in and lead-out. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 2D Pocketing lead-in and ramp.(3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 2D Facing lead-in and ramp. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 3D Planar Contour finishing. No toolpath was created if used after z-level finishing.(3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 5-axis Profiling gouging check. It didn\'t work in some cases on toolpaths wrapped around models more than 180 degrees. (5Xtra)
  • Post processor bug fix for simultaneous 4-axis and 5-axis spiral machining. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Depth close to axis of revolution bug fix. (4X and 5X)

madCAM beta 2013-03-15 (March 15 2013)

New Features:

  • New filter function for simultaneous 5-axis toolpath to minimize the number of control points. (5Xtra)
  • New installer that makes it possible to have both the 32-bit and 64-bit version installed on the same computer. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • Improved linking for contouring and drive surface toolpaths. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • New option for saving toolpaths in child layers from cutter names or not.
Bugs Fixes:
  • Planar finishing contouring bug fix. (3X,4X,5X and 5Xtra)
  • 3D drive surface spiral machin bug fix. (5Xtra)
  • SWARF profiling bug fix. (5Xtra)
  • License key bug fix for madCAM 32-bit version. (3X)
  • Post processor bug fix. (4X,5X and 5Xtra)

madCAM beta 2013-02-19 (February 19 2013)

New Features:

  • New 4-axis spiral machining when using planar finishing, y-direction with climb or conventional. (4X and 5X)
  • New simultaneous 5-axis spiral machining from 3D drive surface. (5Xtra)
Bugs Fixes:
  • Roughing bug fix for 3D stock model. (5X)
  • Simulator bug fix when trying to simulate 4-axis with a 3-axis machine selected.
  • Slow toolpath approach. It didn\'t rapid to the safe clearance on the first approach.

madCAM beta 2013-02-13 (February 13 2013)

New Features:

  • The default region is now displayed as a cylinder when using the axis of revolution function in 4X and 5X.
  • It is now possible to set or pick clipping plane levels when using 4X and 5X functions.
  • The default box is automatically updated on indexing with 4X or 5X.
  • Faster calculation for the Between Two Curves function. (3X, 4X and 5X)
  • New post processor features. It is now possible to set individual scale and text format for each axis output.
Bugs Fixes:
  • Region curves bug fix when using the axis of revolution function. (4X and 5X)
  • Post processor. The first movemnt to the copied toolpath bug fix. (3X, 4X, 5X and 5Xtra)
  • Remachining layer name and restore cutter bug fix. (5X and 5Xtra)
  • Drive surface update Box-Region bug fix. (5Xtra)

madCAM beta 2013-01-23 (January 23 2013)

New Features:

  • New on-curve option for 2D profiling.
  • License information and re-enter key in madCAM options.
Bugs Fixes:
  • Planar finishing with contouring did chrash in some cases. This is fixed now.
  • Bug fix for post processor crash when using the 32-bit version.
  • Bug fix for the time caulculation when post processing.
  • Bug fix for Recalculate Along-curves and Project-curves.
  • OpenGL simulator.

madCAM beta 2012-12-19 (December 19 2012)

New Features:

  • New on-curve option for simultaneous 5-axis scribing from curves and vectors.
  • The recalculate toolpath function now works for all toolpath functions including simultaneous 5-axis.
  • It is now possible to copy and/or array any toolpath in madCAM by using standard Rhino commands.
Failure Bugs Fixed:
  • Toolpath clipping planes when used in indexed mode and with drive surfaces.
  • Recalculate toolpaths.
  • Simulate and post process toolpaths from an earlier version of madCAM.
  • The "force rapids to box top" option now works for the curve milling functions.

madCAM beta 2012-12-03 (December 3 2012)

Bug Fixes:

  • Bug fix for the 32-bit installer on Windows XP.
  • Bug fix for drive surface settings.
  • Bug fix for drilling when using drill holes from a 3D model.
  • Bug fix for the default box settings.
  • Bug fix for the default tool path top clipping plane.
  • Bug fix for the pencil tracing function when using clipping planes.

madCAM beta 2012-11-22 (November 22 2012)

New Features:

  • madCAM 5 is now available for both Rhino 5 (64-bit) and Rhino 5 (32-bit).
  • The clipping planes are now automatically updated when indexing.
  • Multi-core, with more simultaneous threads for faster toolpath calculation.
Bug Fixes:
  • Bug fix for recalculate drilling toolpath.
  • Bug fix for recalculate toolpath from an earlier version of madCAM.
  • Drilling bug fix. It didn\'t work correctly if using absolute start level. This is fixed now.
  • Drilling bug fix for approach distance.
  • Bug fix for the clipping plane pick function in indexed mode.
  • Four-axis 3D stock model bug fix.
  • Bug fix for cutter tools search path.
  • Bug fix for 5-axis drive surface. It is now possible to set drive surface options before selecting the drive surface, or vice versa.

madCAM beta 2012-11-05 (November 5 2012)

New Features:

  • New toolpath recalculate button. It is now possible to click on a tool path and get the associated dialog with all settings. By editing settings, the toolpath can be recalculated and automatically replaced.
  • New structure for tool path layers. madCAM automatically creates a top layer called "madCAM". All cutters are saved in child layers under the madCAM layer. Each toolpath is saved in the corresponding cutter layer.
  • New drive surface reshape option.
  • Post processor custom variables. The variables can now be defined in each post processor. The variables are automatically loaded from the active post processor.
  • New font option for the post processor report. It is now possible to right clicking for changing font.
  • New post processor dialog behavior. It is now possible to manipulate the the Rhino viewport and layers when the post processor dialog is open.
  • New help file.
Bug Fixes:
  • Bug fix for simulator box. The box size now remains even if selecting a region curve.
  • Simulator bug fix. The rapids and toolholder collision didn\'t show correctly in some cases.
  • Drilling bug fix. The toolpath and rapid color settings are working now.
  • The direction option for 3D roughing is back.

madCAM beta 2012-10-16 (October 16 2012)

New Features:

  • Planar Finishing angle from X option.
  • Planar Finishing one way climb or conventional option.
  • Sizable window for the post processor dialog.
  • Print button in the post processor dialog. It is now possible to paste pictures and print the madCAM report together with pictures.
  • Option for creating post processor custom variables. (Can be used for temporary fixture offset etc.)
  • New close button in the simulator dialog.
  • The simulator stock model will remain when closing and reopening the simulator dialog. (It will only reset when clicking on the reset button)
  • The simulator is faster when using custom stock models. (New custom stock model restore function when clicking on the reset button)
  • New help file.
Bug Fixes:
  • The profiling functions didn\'t work if the flute length of the saved cutter was longer than the tool length.
  • Several bug fixes for the drilling and drill dialog.
  • Several bug fixes for post processor when post processing drill toolpaths.
  • Planar finishing linking. It didn\'t work as it should in some cases when using multi threading.
    The preview button in the simulator options dialog didn\'t work. This is fixed now.

madCAM beta 2012-10-04 (October 4 2012)

New Features:

  • 5-axis drive surface option for setting minimum and maximum angle limit. (Very useful in some cases for collision avoidance and to achieve better cutting conditions)
  • Faster OpenGL function for the simulator. It simulates much faster now when simulating large models in five axis.
  • New help file.
  • madCAM 5 didn\'t install on some systems because of differences in the registry. This has been fixed now.
  • Fixture offset preview button in the simulator options dialog.
Bug Fixes:
  • The simulator window didn\'t refresh when dragging the simulator options dialog.
  • All edit boxes in madCAM dialogs should now show the same display precision as set in Rhino.
  • 5-axis drive surface. The vertical angle limit didn\'t work correctly in some cases.

madCAM beta 2012-09-27 (September 27 2012)

New Features:

  • New drive surface options for setting calculation height and depth.
  • New drive surface option for setting vertical angle limit. (Very useful in some cases for collision avoidance)
  • The clipping planes now works for drive surfaces.
  • The cutter with tool holder shows in dynamic shaded mode when picking curves for profiling toolpaths. Works for both 2D and 5-axis profiling.
  • It\'s now possible to create language files for each dialog by typing madCAMCommand "language".
  • New licensing for the beta. madCAM 5 beta will run for 60 days with your madCAM 4.3 license key. The trial period will automatically reset on new beta releases.
  • New help file.

Bug Fixes:
  • Bug fix for select model. It is now also possible to select extrusion objects.
  • Bug fix for open a new model when having simultaneous 5-axis mode activated.
  • Bug fix for select cutter. It was an error if clicking on a blanc field in the cuter dialog list box.
  • Bug fix for 5-axis profiling. The rapid traverses could collide in some cases on open curves.
  • Bug fix for 3D stock model.
  • Bug fix for cutter dialog / coolant check box.

madCAM beta 2012-09-10 (September 10 2012)

New Features:

  • The minimize and maximize buttons works in the simulator if having a floating window.
  • New simultaneous 5-axis part trimming function. It is possible to select curves and vector curves.
  • Improvements of the lead-ins and lead-outs when using the 5-axis profiling functions. ("SWARF-profiling", "Perpendicular to surface profiling" and "Part trimming")
  • New help file.
Bug Fixes:
  • Bug-fix for re-roughing. Rhino crashed in some cases if using Re-roughing. This is fixed now.

madCAM beta 2012-06-15 (June 15 2012)

New Features:

  • New simulator that can be a floating window or automatically docked in the active Rhino view.
  • New option in the post processor dialog for choosing different post processors from a drop down menu.

madCAM beta 2012-05-25 (May 25 2012)

New Features:

  • New drop down menu.
  • New dialogs that displays all settings on one page. (The tabs are removed)
  • New simulator that renders the simulation in the active Rhino view. The 3-axis material removal simulator is much faster now.
Bug Fixes:
  • Bug-fix for Curve Milling, Project Curves.
  • Bug-fix for 2D pocketing.
  • Bug-fix for 3D drive surface.
  • Bug-fix for post processor output.

madCAM beta 2012-04-23 (April 23 2012)

New Features:

  • New toolbar with one collection for each level. 3-axis, 4-axis, indexed 5-axis and simultaneous 5-axis.
  • Simultaneous 5-axis Profiling from edge curves perpendicular to surfaces.
  • Simultaneous 5-axis Profiling from edge curves parallel to surfaces. (SWARF cutting)
  • 3D drive surface. It is now possible to create simultaneous 5-axis roughing and finishing from 3D drive surfaces. It also works when selecting trimmed surfaces. The surface can be a part of the model or a separate surface above the model.

madCAM beta 2012-01-12 (January 1 2012)

New Features:

  • 64-bit.
  • New machine files. It's now possible to create machine files that includes tool library, post processors and machine parts for simulation. Each defined machine can be selected from a drop down list. The machine kinematics can be created from the advanced settings or by making an external custom dll. (If someone likes programming)Command line support.
  • Every command with settings can be executed from the Rhino command line. This makes it possible to script commands, add commands to user defined buttons or save command sequences to file.
  • New OpenGL header that supports new nvidia technology.

Releasenotes 1.0